The Orkin Blog

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How To Identify Bed Bug Bites

Everyone reacts differently to bed bug bites but the typical reaction is small, red, raised, itchy bumps.

Should I Be Concerned About the Spiders in My House?

They may give you the creeps, but spiders are really just more of a nuisance than a health hazard. Having one or two spiders in your home isn’t a big deal or cause for concern, but what happens when you start spotting spiders on a regular basis? If cleaning doesn’t improve your situation, you’ll need the help of a pest control professional to remove the pests from your home and stop them from coming back.

The Top Venomous Snakes In Canada

Of the 26 native species of snakes in the country, only four are venomous.

5 Easy Tips To Get Rid Of Mice In Your Attic

Mice can be the bane of the modern household. As these pests prefer to live in the attic of your house, making it hard for you to identify that you have uninvited guests. The attic is a perfect shelter for these pests - a  warm, safe, dry place in which to go and make a home. Mice infestations in attics have negative implications. From spreading pathogens to destroying your attic, which can cause havoc in your home. Well, fear no more, as here are 5 easy DIY (do it yourself) tips to help rid your home of a mouse infestation.

The 5 Most Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are increasingly common in residential settings, but that doesn’t make them any more comfortable to deal with. These crawling critters are out for blood (literally), and they’ll stop at nothing to get it from you. And let’s be real—no one wants to wake up with a bunch of painful bite marks. When dealing with bed bugs, it helps to be informed so you know what to expect. That’s why we’ve combed over Orkin Canada’s massive bed bug knowledge database and picked out five key facts every homeowner should learn about these nighttime nuisances.

Top Pests Expected To Trend In the Summer of 2024

Summer is usually a long-awaited time in Canada, filled with sunny days, blue skies and warm temperatures. However, this season also marks the appearance of some not-so-welcome pests and insects. With the milder winter and climate change, pests have survived overwintering, growing their populations into the summer months. Summer is also the season where pests are finding their mates which, in turn, grows their populations. So, which pests do we believe will trend upward? And how will that impact Canadian homes and commercial spaces? Below, we’ve outlined our predictions for the top 10 bugs and pests that will be trending this summer.

Canada's Top 25 Bed Bug Cities Of 2023

Bed bugs are extremely efficient hitch hikers. They can move easily across a room and climb onto luggage or anything left on a bed in just one night. Learn which cities have made Canada’s top 25 bed buggiest cities.

Becoming A Smart Shopper: How To Avoid Buying A Pest Infestation When Shopping Second-Hand

For many homeowners, second-hand items are slowly becoming the norm. With thrift stores and online marketplace platforms becoming go-to options to acquire various items. Unfortunately, when purchasing products from these sellers, you may not be aware of the environment that these items came from or were stored in, and as a result could inadvertently be bringing a pest issue into your home. To ensure you can recognize the signs of a pest activity on items prior to introducing a new purchase into your home, we have put together a list of the most common pests to watch out for and the items they commonly infest.

Identifying a Rodent Infestation: What are the Signs to Look For

Discovering signs of a rodent infestation in unexpected places is a common experience for our Orkin Pros™, who regularly encounter rodents in various nooks and crannies throughout buildings and homes. Rats and mice are adept at exploring hidden areas for food, water, and shelter, often slipping through seemingly tiny openings. Despite their sneaky nature, rodents, are known for their lack of cleanliness and leave behind many noticeable indications of a potential rodent infestation.

Are There Mice In Your Walls Or Ceilings?

It has long been accepted that mice live in hidden areas of our homes. While they may not have ornately decorated spaces and doors cut into baseboards as children’s cartoons have taught us, it is reasonable to assume that mice are already in many buildings. Mice, of course, are not uniform in size but they can squeeze through surprisingly small holes to reach spaces that interest them. Few buildings are sealed environments and there are often points of access that allow mice to enter and freely travel in walls and ceilings.

Remove pests from your home, and stop them from coming back

We work hard to listen, understand and assess your unique situation. Request a free, no-obligation estimate today for a customized pest program that fits your needs.

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